Open Causes

Fundraising for educational causes to support underprivileged students in India

Every single donation you make is given 100% to the beneficiary's cause and the payments are given directly to the educational institue or provider and receipts are received.

We are not a FCRA (Foreign Contribution Regulation Act) organisation, so we COULD NOT accept donations originated in foreign currency. We can accept contributions from Indian and NRI bank accounts only.

-16 days left Open

3rd Year BSC Computer Science student, Aarakonam


Raised - 0

Remaining - 10000

  • #20231117 on May 04, 2024
  • Arakonam, Tamil Nadu
  • 0 Donors
  • Fundraising


A non-profit organization devoted to building a crowdfunding platform to help students in need of Education.

Aalayam Foundation - Registered with govt. of Tamilnadu.

Our Contacts

No.114/3, Ponniamman Koil Street,
Sri Mahalakshmi Nagar, Numbal,
Chennai, India - 600077
Phone: +91 9884533391