Raji Ramesh
This student scored 1154/1200 in Class 12. He did this while living with his family in a hut, in extremely poor living conditions. He is very keen on higher studies. His father works as a watchman. His sister is in Class 11 in a government school.
The student is now pursuing his agriculture course, living in the residential campus of a government college. The college and its teachers have already been providing some support to the student but have requested Aalayam’s assistance. The college offers simple but nutritious food for its students and the teachers were genuinely interested in the welfare of their most needy students.
Aalayam seeks to raise Rs. 41,440 as course fee for this semester and towards the pending hostel fees.
Raised - 41440.00
Remaining - 0
Raji Ramesh
All the best!
A non-profit organization devoted to building a crowdfunding platform to help students in need of Education.