Aalaym Donors
Aalaym Flood Relief Balance
When you go through HARDTIMES, someone might have told you that things will get better tomorrow. He have been through so many tomorrows and nothing has changed YET. We PROMISED him that Aalayam can change that.
Being born & bought up in a poor family, he scored good in his schooling and got free seat in an Engineering college near Chennai.
The difficult time starts when his father was diagnose with B-virus cancer and they lost everything for his medication. Family of 4 has moved to Chennai in dream of making him as an engineer, also they are not able to afford the hostel/travel fee for him.
Getting support from Government & banks, he has managed to cross his 3rd Year of Mechanical Engineering. His struggle get worse when he was rejected for loan and no one else to support him. Our team has found him during the flood relief activities. The total amount requested to complete his college fee is only Rs.20000
Documents VerifiedRaised - 20000.00
Remaining - 0
Aalaym Donors
Aalaym Flood Relief Balance
A non-profit organization devoted to building a crowdfunding platform to help students in need of Education.