Beneficiary is a 2nd year Diploma in EEE student from Attur taluk, Salem district. She joined diploma after SSLC and this is a 3 year course.
Her family is struggling financially and she is in a position to discontinue her education if she couldn't pay her 2nd year fee. Her father and mother both work with a very minimum wages in remote village.
She has a younger brother who is going to a govt. school in Attur. Her parents had promised us that at any cost they will manage her next year college fees and make her to complete her education.
She was referred to us by one of our supporter. Our review team have conducted both phone and inperson review.
Second year diploma course fee is Rs.13,500 and her parents were able to manage only Rs.2500. She will continue her education if we can raise the remaining college fees.
Amount DetailsRaised - 11000.00
Remaining - 0
Jelin TM
Best Wishes
Ashok K
best of luck
Stalin Rex
Best wishes
A non-profit organization devoted to building a crowdfunding platform to help students in need of Education.